What is an Insurance Discount Survey?
An Insurance Discount Survey is a simple inspection designed to save you money!
More specifically, Florida law requires insurance companies to offer homeowners discounts or credits for building features and upgrades that help prevent or reduce the amount of damage and loss during wind storms. A “Uniform Verification Mitigation Form” (OIR-B1-1802) will be completed by our licensed general contractor, which, when given to your home owner’s insurance agent, may qualify you to receive discounts/credits, potentially saving hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year.
Your home may already meet several of the criteria not being taken advantage of. The best way to figure out if you could qualify for potential discounts is to call our office and answer a few simple questions about the shape and age of your roof, type of building construction, whether or not you have window protection and a few other easy to answer questions.
Some homes may not qualify for discounts or for significant discounts and your Britannia Building Consultant can advise you as to what upgrades can be made to get the most return on your investment.
Depending on where in Florida you live, the wind portion of your homeowner’s insurance premium ranges from 15-70% and savings of up to 89% are possible. Try this handy Wind Insurance Savings Calculator at MyFlorida.com
Our fees for this service are as follows:
• Stand-alone service ……………………….. $135
• Combined with any other service …………. $50